SHS Archives

SHS Archives And Documentation Centre

After eight decades of collecting, the Stanstead Historical Society Archives Centre have become an essential and frequently consulted resource for the history of Stanstead County and of the Eastern Townships of Quebec generally.

At the time of the Colby family donation in 1992, the former Carrollcroft dining room and adjacent storage rooms were given over to greatly expand the archives centre. In 2014, state-of-the-art mobile storage equipment was installed in a new archival storage space below the solarium. Visitors to the archives generally fall into three main groups: academic researchers, genealogists, and users wishing to consult back issues of the Stanstead Journal. The Stanstead Historical Society Archives Centre is the official depositor of the Journal.

The SHS Archives and Documentation Centre is closed to the public at the moment. For any remote requests, it is possible to reach the  Archivist from 9:00 to 12:00 a.m. and from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday. Research and reproduction fees may apply.

To contact the Archivist, please call 819-876-7322.

Research inquiries, may also be sent to


    The Moses F. Colby (1795-1863)
    The Charles Carroll Colby (1827-1907)
    The Harriet Child Colby (1838-1932)
    The William Benton Colby (1833-1884)
    The Emily Strong Colby (1836-1866)
    The Abby Lemira Colby (1859-1943)
    The Jessie Maud Colby (1861-1958)
    The Charles William Colby (1867-1955)
    The Emma Frances Cobb Colby (1866-1945)
    The Dr. John Child Colby (1873-1926)
    The Border Business and Professional Women’s Club Fonds
    The Charleston Academy Fonds
    Christ Church Fonds
    The Gilman-Knight-Hawes Fonds
    John Thomas Hacket (1884-1959) Fonds
    Jason Lee (1803-1845) Fonds
    The Ralph Merry (1786-1863) which includes original diaries.
    The Morrill Family Collection
    The Edward James Struthers (1893-1974) Fonds
    The Orson Shorey Wheeler (1902-1990) Fonds


    Vivian Mosher Jameson
    Allen Yale
    Lois Cooper
    Merrick Belknap
    Wilder Hatch
    Wilson & Lydia May
    Alan Bacheldor
    Ernestine Whipple
    Catherine Stuart Hatch
    Olive Stebennes
    David Lepitre
    Lawrence Tilton
    Alan Bullock
    John Boynton
    Phyllis Dustin
    Nellie Hudson
    Doris Gosselin


Textual records (local history), varied primary & secondary manuscripts and printed materials relating to the community, deposited since 1929. Bound collections of over 350 business ledgers, minute books, inventories, ect.Photographs: 6 collectionsSlidesNegativesTintype-DaguerrotypeMapsPlansElectronically stored dataCemetery indexesIndividual family historyCorrespondence files of local familiesGenealogyDiariesReference materials: Some historical atlases, 200 volumesOther: Family bible collection, Scrapbook collection, postcard collectionFire Insurance PlansStanstead Historical Society is the official depository for the Stanstead Journal from November 1845 to the present day. Also digitized copies from November 1845 to 1986.